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  • What's the date today?
    Today is 29th July 2021.
  • What's in the basket?
    Any correct answer.
  • What did ancient Egyptian wrapped the mummy in?
    They wrapped the mummy in bandages.
  • What do Americans watch on Independence Day?
    They watch fireworks.
  • What did she do yesterday?
    She went shopping.
  • What's this?
    It's a knife.
  • How much milk do you drink every day?
    I drink.............
  • What's your favourite subject?
    Any correct answer.
  • How you help your mum in the kitchen?
    Any correct answer.
  • What does she have to at home?
    She takes out/ throws the rubbish.
  • What's he dressed up as?
    He dressed up as a soldier.
  • Where is he from?
    He's from Brazil.
  • What is she doing?
    She's raking the leaves.
  • Where do camels live?
    In the desert.
  • How often do you have Science?
    Any correct answer.
  • She's from Malaysia. She's _____________________________.
  • What do you need to make omelette?
    I need some eggs, cheese, capsicum....
  • How did the king die?
    The snake bit him.
  • What are the going to do?
    They are going to have .......
  • What's this?
    It's a pyramid.