
Chapter 16 17 BME

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  • Is extra leave financial or non-financial?
  • What kind of leaders is this?
    Accommodating or Laissez-faire
  • What leadership style is developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard?
  • Define Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
    Depends on student's answer.
  • Which leadership style relies on maturity of the employee or group of employees?
  • Describe the features of democratic leaders.
    Involves employees in decision making, aims to benefit both business and personnel. Communication is upwards and they are collaborative.
  • Which layer does family, work groups and friends belong to?
  • According to Vroom's expectancy theory, what does an employee want?
    Maximize happiness and minimize pain
  • Define pay schemes and bonuses.
    Bonus: payment in cash if KPIs are achieved. Pay schemes: employees are given company shares as rewards
  • Describe four things that a situational leader does
    Delegate, Support, Coach, Direct
  • What is the reciprocal relationship between employer and employee?
    Depends on student's answer.
  • What kinds of leader is necessary when a doctor in an emergency medical situation is needed?
  • Is money a long-term or a short-term factor?
  • Name 5 layers of the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
    Physiological, Safety, Belonging, Self-esteem, Self-actualization
  • According to Adam, what will happen if an employee's rewards do not match his efforts?
    Feel demotivated and be jealous
  • What theory is developed by Frederick Herzberg?
    Herzberg''s motivation-hygiene theory
  • Differentiate between intrinsic rewards and extrinsic reward
    Extrinsic rewards fare financial, promotional or other fringe benefits. Intrinsic can be fulfilment, satisfaction
  • In what theory does an employee compare his/her inputs with those of others?
    Adam's equity theory
  • What kind of leader is Hitler?
  • What type of leaders believes in direct supervision of employees?
  • Define self-actualization
    Inner talent, personal growth, fulfilment, job satisfaction
  • According to Vroom, when an employee believes that a reward will actually be rewarded, what is that called?
  • Differentiate between a leader and a manager
    Leader: Strategic, business directed, inspiring/ Managers: Tactical, planning, directing
  • Describe three layers in the Vroom's expectancy theory pyramid?
    Instrumentality, Expectancy and Valence.
  • What are hygiene factors and motivation factors also called?
    Short-term factors and long-term factors.