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  • What did Earth's first atmosphere consist of?
    Light gases such as hydrogen and helium
  • What was water like on Earth at first?
    It was water vapor because it was too hot for liquid water
  • How do scientists hypothesize that the moon formed?
    It formed from material that was knocked loose when a very young Earth collided with another object
  • Aside from respiration, why was the addition of oxygen to the atmosphere through photosynthesis important?
    It created an ozone layer that blocks ultraviolet rays from the sun
  • What was the temperature like on the newly formed Earth?
    It was so hot that scientists think Earth might have melted
  • How long ago did photosynthesis develop?
    About 2.5 billion years ago
  • How old are the oldest rocks on Earth?
    About 4 billion years old
  • What happened to denser materials on Earth?
    They sank towards the center and formed Earth's dense, iron core
  • What happened to less dense materials on Earth?
    Molten material hardened over time and formed Earth's outer layers
  • How old are the oldest moon rocks?
    About 4.6 billion years old
  • What is a comet?
    A ball of dust, gas, and ice that orbits the sun
  • What happened to water vapor in the atmosphere as Earth cooled?
    It condensed to form rain which accumulated and formed the oceans.
  • How did Earth's second atmosphere form?
    Volcanic eruptions and collisions with comets added carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen, and other gases to the atmosphere.
  • How old do scientists think Earth is?
    About 4.6 billion years old
  • What is a waste product of photosynthesis?
  • How old are the single-celled organisms scientists found in rocks?
    About 3.5 billion years old
  • How do scientists think Earth formed?
    It began as a ball of dust, rock, and ice in space that was pulled together by gravity
  • When did continents form?
    Less than 500 million years after Earth formed
  • What happened to Earth's first atmosphere?
    It was blown away by particles from the sun (solar wind)