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  • What are the three long units of time between Precambrian Time and the present called?
  • What is the geologic time scale?
    A record of the geologic events and the evolution of life forms as shown in the fossil record
  • What period are we in?
    The Quaternary Period
  • What are the three eras in order from oldest to newest?
    Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
  • Why did geologists develop the geologic time scale?
    The time span of Earth's past is so great that words like century, decade, year, month, week, and day don't suffice
  • What information did scientists use to develop the geologic time scale?
    Information from rock layers and index fossils
  • Where do the names of many geologic periods come from?
    Places where geologists first described the rocks and fossils of that period
  • What era are we in?
    The Cenozoic Era
  • What is the first division of geologic time called?
    Precambrian Time
  • What are eras subdivided into?