
Online safety

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  • Why should you keep your passwords a secret? Who is it okay to share passwords with?
    Sharing passwords is dangerous, even with friends.
  • Have you ever met any strangers from the Internet?
  • What is your favourite app or website? What is your least favourite app or website?
  • 8UykE25!! Is this a strong password? Why or why not?
    This is a strong password - it has letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Have any of your friends met anyone in person after talking to them online?
    *Whoa, your teacher's flabbergasted*
  • If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't say it to them online - true or false?
    True! Always be respectful and kind online and offline.
  • Who is it okay to accept a friend request from? Who should you not accept a friend request from? Provide specific examples!
    For example, Suzy from school is acceptable but Mr. Jones the bus driver is not.
  • Do you think the Internet is safe for young people?
  • Do you have a website or a place online to talk with friends?
  • What pictures do you think are appropriate to share online? What pictures are not?
    Remember: Anything that you put on the internet will stay there. It can be copied, screenshot, edited, and saved on anyone's computer or device.
  • Should you respond to cyberbullying with more cyberbullying?
    NO! This will make it worse.
  • What should you do if you are experiencing cyberbullying?
    Talk to a trusted adult. Parents- indicate who those trusted adults could/should be.
  • What crime is it when other people steal your information and pretend to be you?
    Identity theft