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  • In 'Homecoming' how does Dawe emphasise the large number of soldiers who died? MUST QUOTE
    Through the imagery of the bodies "piled on the hulls of Grants, in trucks, in convoys"
  • Unscramble this key word: I T Y TU F L I
  • Name the technique for the definition: words that are spelled the way they sound.
  • Which poem does this line come from? "they're on you and your tripes are round your neck"
    'Weapons Training'
  • In 'Homecoming', what is the technique called when the same word is repeated at the start of consecutive lines?
  • What does the "sterile housing" represent?
    The dead soldiers coffins.
  • What technique is used in the line "tripes are round your neck"?
  • Unscramble this key word: R T A L I Y T U B
  • What technique is in the opening line of 'Homecoming'?
    Repetition; "All day, day after day"
  • What is the name of the Heronator's cat?
  • What technique is this - "You're dead, dead, dead"?
  • Fill in the blank: "they're picking them up, __________, and bringing them home"
    "those they can find"
  • Name the technique. What is it called when you use a series of commas to intentionally slow the flow of writing.
  • Name the term for the definition. Comparing two objects using the words 'like' or 'as'.
  • What technique is this? "They're bringing them home, too late, too early"?
  • What technique is this? "the coasts swing upwards, the old ridiculous curvatures of earth, the knuckled hills"
  • Fill in the missing word: "blue curve of the Pacific with ________ quick fingers"
  • Provide a definition of 'personification'.
    The attribution of human characteristics to something inhuman.
  • What is the name of O'Rance's cat?
  • What is the significance of the title 'Homecoming'. What technique is it?
    The title is ironic as a homecoming is usually a joyous celebration, instead this homecoming brings grief.
  • Define personification.
    Giving inhumane things human qualities.
  • What is the word starting with 'd' that is used to describe the way the drill sergeants tirade of abuse?
    Diatribe / dramatic monologue.
  • What are third person pronouns?
    She/her, he/him, their, they're
  • Provide a definition for emotive language.
    Emotive language is the term used to describe when certain words are used to evoke an emotional response.
  • Identify the mistakes in the sentence: bruce dawe's poem homecoming is about war.
    Bruce Dawe's poem 'Homecoming' is about war.
  • Name one rhetorical question used in 'Weapons Training'.
    Variety of answers.
  • What is the impact of the line "the howl of their homecoming"?
    Creates an atmosphere of distress; the journey home is filled with pain and grief.
  • "All day, day after day, they're bringing them home" - what technique is used in this line?
  • What is a metaphor?
    Calling things something else with similar features/qualities.
  • How is symbolism used in the line "spider grief ... wide web of suburbs"?
    Grief connects and binds the families of the soldiers who have died; they may become trapped in their grief and be unable to move forward
  • Which war are these poems about?
    The Vietnam War.
  • What is the impact of the "mute salute" given to the returned soldiers in 'Homecoming'?
    Emphasises how there is no celebration/acknowledgement of their sacrifice for their country.
  • Fill in the blank: "_______ tremble like _________ from a ___________"
    "telegrams tremble like leaves from a wintering tree"
  • "piled on the hulls of Grants, in trucks, in convoys" - what technique is used in this line?
  • What is the effect of the use of the 3rd person pronoun "they're" in 'Homecoming'?
    Soldiers are nameless and unimportant; they lose part of themselves in war.
  • Unscramble this key word: G N E M A I N I D S U H
  • What poem does this line come from: "the noble jets are whining like hounds"
  • What is the effect of the imagery in the line "they're zipping them up in green plastic bags"?
    Soldiers are trash/rubbish that can be discarded/soldiers lives do not matter as they are disposable
  • Name the technique in the line: "because of your position your chance of turning the key in the ignition"
  • What connotations do we associate with the word 'home'?
    Safety, belonging, family, comfort.
  • In what year did our poet pass away?
  • What technique is it when you asked question without wanting a reply?
    Rhetorical question