
How many? How Do I Contact You?

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  • What are you doing now?
    I am studying English now.
  • How many apples can you see?
    I can see 15 apples.
  • What number is this?
    This is twelve.
  • How many teachers can you see?
    I can see 4 teachers.
  • Where do you live?
    I live in France.
  • What number is this?
    This is thirteen.
  • Are you at school now?
    No, I am not. I am at home now.
  • Do you have a phone number?
    Yes, I do. My phone number is 415-555-2671.
  • How many apples and oranges can you see?
    I can see 1 apple and 1 orange.
  • How many oranges can you see?
    I can see 4 oranges.
  • 21-4674-8765 phone is number My.
    My phone number is 21-4674-8765.
  • What number is this?
    This is eighteen.
  • What is your address?
    My address is 18 Green Street, New York, USA.
  • How many people can you see?
    I can see 16 people.
  • How many numbers can you see?
    I can see 3 numbers: 6, 8 and 4.
  • Who can you see?
    I can see 2 police officers.
  • What is your phone number?
    My phone number is .....
  • Do you live in England?
    No, I don't. I live in China.
  • What are you now?
    I am in the office now.
  • How many people can you see?
    I can see 5 people.
  • Where do you live?
    I live in London, England.
  • What is your office address?
    My office address is 10 Downing Street, London.
  • Do you have an email address?
    Yes, I do. My email address is
  • What is your email address?
    My email address is...