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  • I never listen to _____ radio. In fact, I haven't got ____ radio.
    the, a
  • Julia is ---- extremely patient girl-she will have no problem in her career as ---- nanny.
    an, a
  • Jed had ___ stroke last year. Although he lived, ___stroke did affect his speech and movement on the left side of his body.
    a, the
  • ____ British Prime Minister lives in ____ Downing Street 10.
    the, -
  • It's right that there aren't so many ways of spending ____ daily life in ____suburbs.
  • Laura is really creative. She has ___ few ideas which could really change this company.
  • We donated to ___ charity which provides assistance to ___ elderly and ___ poor.
  • Many childhood diseases, including ____ measles, ____chickenpox, and ____ mumps, are becoming less common due to widespread immunization.
    the, -, the
  • The river flows ___ south and then disappears into the swamplands in ____ west.
    -, the
  • I wish I could play ____ violin. I love string instruments like ___ violins and ___cellos.
    the, -, -
  • ____ Spanish are very friendly and sociable people.
  • The highest mountain in ---- world, ---- Mount Everest, is in ---- Himalayas.
    the, -, the
  • ____ Queen will visit our country next year.
  • Are ___ Smiths coming to ___ party tonight? Did Jack invite them?
    the, the
  • ____Life would be difficult without ____ electricity.
  • The linguist specialized in ____Arabic. She spent years studying local dialects in ____Sahara Desert as well as in remote parts of ___ Middle East.
  • ---- Balearic Islands lie to ---- south of Spain.
    the, the
  • On Sunday we decided to go to ---- beach by ---- train, but by the time we got to ---- station ---- weather looked so threatening that we went to ---- cinema instead.
    the, -, the, the, the
  • I know someone who wrote ____ book about ____ life of Gandhi.
    a, the
  • Clarence has ___few friends. He needs to get out and start meeting more people.
  • Armadillos are animals which are most active at ____night. Sometimes, you see them during ___day, but that's less common
    -, the
  • White water rafting trips down ____ Colorado River are very popular because they pass through ____ Grand Canyon.
    the, the
  • That brand of organic coffee costs $85 ___ pound! That's ____ most outrageous price I've ever seen. I think I need to look for ___ cheaper brand.
  • I have ---- appointment at ---- dentist's this afternoon because I've got ---- toothache
    an, the, a