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  • What does the acronym WHO stand for? A/World Hockey Organization B/World Health Organization C/World History Organization
    B.World Health Organization
  • Which of the following is not an example of social distancing? A.staying away from other people B.meeting your friends for dinner C.avoiding public transportation
    B.meeting your friends for dinner
  • If people test positive for COVID-19, it means:                                                         A. They have the virus.                           B.They don't have the virus.
    A. They have the virus.
  • If someone has a fever, it means:  A. Their temperature is normal.      B. Their temperature is above normal.                                                          C.Their temperature is below normal.
    B.Their temperature is above normal.     
  • Which expression below means to control the spread of the virus?       A/to develop symptoms  B/to contain the transmission C/to hoard goods
    B/to contain the transmission
  • What does it mean if travel is restricted?                                         A.Travel has been limited.          B.Travel is normal.                    C.Travel has been stopped.
    A.Travel has been limited. 
  • If something is banned, it is: A.allowed                                                B.not allowed
    not allowed
  • If someone is asymptomatic, it means: A/The person is showing signs of an illness. B/The person is not showing signs of an illness.
    B/The person is not showing signs of an illness.
  • Which of the following is the biggest? epidemic B. an outbreak C.a pandemic
  • Which of the following is not an example of social distancing? A/Staying away from other people B/meeting your friends for dinner C/avoiding public transportation
    B/meeting your friends for dinner
  • What does it mean to postpone an event?                                               A.It means to cancel an event. B.It means to hold an event later than planned. C.It means to hold an event earlier than planned.
    B.It means to hold an event later than planned. 
  • In the context of COVID-19, what does the term "novel coronavirus" mean?It refers to a book about the coronavirus. It refers to the new coronavirus. It refers to the old coronavirus.
    B.It refers to the new coronavirus.