
FCE TRAINER (2nd) Sentence Transformations: test ...

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  • There isn't much difference between Bob and his brother. TO Bob is pretty _____________________ his brother.
    similar to
  • I'm absolutely sure that Jim didn't steal the money. HAVE The money ________________ by Jim.
    can't have been stolen
  • They have postponed the fight and it will now take place in autumn. OFF The fight _______________ autumn
    has been put off until
  • Women are attracted to Cyril because he is so charming. FIND What women ____________________ his charm.
    find attractive about Cyril is
  • The film was incredible so we watched it twice. AN It ____________________ that we watched it twice.
    was such an incredible film
  • Most people at the wedding were drunk at midnight. WAS At the wedding, hardly _________________ at midnight
    anyone was sober / anyone was not drunk
  • I really think you shouldn't make your services more expensive at the moment. RAISE I strongly advise _________________ cost of your services at this time.
    you not to raise the
  • He spoke so quietly that I found it difficult to understand him. UNDERSTANDING He spoke so quietly that ______________ him.
    I had difficulty (in) understanding
  • "I'll buy you a new phone on the condition that you pass your exam," said my dad. AS My dad said that he'd buy me a phone_________________ my exam.
    as long as I passed
  • We knew it would be hot so we didn't bring jackets with us. HAVE We ________________ our jackets with us because of the high temperature.
    didn't have to bring
  • My legs need waxing again. HAVE I'll have to ____________________ again.
    have my legs waxed
  • There was no point going out because it was too late. WORTH As it was so late, it __________________.
    wasn't worth going out
  • "Wendy, you kissed my husband!" said Barbara. OF Barbara ______________________ husband.
    accused Wendy of kissing her
  • I don't think I will finish this dessert. SUCCEED I am unlikely ___________________ this dessert.
    to succeed in finishing
  • Our manager said that numbers had fallen due to to Covid 19. FALL Our manager blamed __________________ Covid 19.
    the fall in numbers on
  • Fiona refused to apologise for stealing my Twix. WAS Fiona did not _____________________ for stealing my Twix.
    say she was sorry
  • I will not do that. INTENTION I _____________________ doing that.
    have no intention of
  • But for your help, I would never have finished the marathon. FOR I wouldn't have finished the marathon if _______________ your help.
    it had not been for
  • Jake regrets kicking his father-in-law in the testicles. HAD Jake __________________ his father-in-law in the testicles.
    wishes he hadn't kicked
  • We got home safely even though we got to the station too late for the last bus. SPITE ________________ last bus, we all got home safely.
    In spite of missing the
  • Many people believe that 'How do you Sleep?' by John Lennon, was written about Paul McCartney. HAVE 'How do you sleep?' by John Lennon __________________ written about Paul McCartney.
    is believed to have been
  • It's 2 hours in the car to Cagliari. DRIVE It ____________________ to Cagliari.
    takes 2 hours to drive
  • I haven't drunk alcohol for 20 years. BEEN It _____________________ I last drank alcohol.
    has been 20 years since
  • "What's the weight of that elephant?" I asked the zookeeper. HOW I asked the zookeeper _________________.
    how heavy that elephant was