
Living in a Neighborhood

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  • Who works on clinic?
    Doctor, nurse
  • What do you think might happen if the kids don't follow the rule?
    There will be an accident.
  • What is the meaning of this sign?
    Do not turn left
  • Why do we have to follow rules?
    To keep us safe.
  • Who will chase the bad guy in a community?
    Police officer
  • What is the meaning of this sign?
    Do not park.
  • What is the meaning of this sign?
    Must stop.
  • Ali got a toothache. Where should he go?
  • The _______ rush to put out the fire.
  • A ________ is a place where people live, work, play, and help each other.
  • Emma's mom wants to buy some vegetables. Where should she go?
    Grocery store
  • A ______ is a place where you can buy medicines.