
Double and Halve

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  • Double a semibreve.
  • This rhythm fits which Time Signature? Show the rhythm with movement.
    3/8 - 3 quavers in a bar
  • What is the Time Signature of this melody?
    3/2 - 3 minims in a bar
  • Halve a dotted minim.
    Dotted crotchet
  • This rhythm fits which Time Signature?
    3/8 - 3 quavers in a bar
  • Insert a note at * to complete the bar.
    Minim note
  • Listen to this rhythm. Notate it or show the answer from your music wardrobe :)
    6 semiquavers
  • Double a quaver rest.
    Crotchet rest
  • Sound the rhythm of this short melody using rhythm sticks. Listen to the pulse given.
    Yay or Nay?
  • Halve the Time Signature 3/4
    3/8 - 3 quavers in a bar
  • 4 crotchet beats in a bar is also known as?
    Common Time
  • 2 minims in a bar is also known as?
    Cut time or Alla breve
  • Double each note and what is the NEW Time Signature?
    3 crotchets, 1 dotted minim. Time signature: 3/4 - 3 crotchets in a bar
  • Explain Time Signature 2/2 in full.
    2 minims in a bar OR 2 minim beats in a bar
  • Insert a rest in the empty bar.
    Semibreve rest
  • What is the Time Signature of this melody?
    4/2 - 4 minims in a bar
  • Double a semiquaver.
  • Halve each note.
    Minim then Crotchet
  • Double the Time Signature 4/4
    4/2 - 4 minims in a bar
  • Spot the error in the grouping of notes.
    Bar 1 - 2nd and 3rd beats are NOT to be grouped