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  • Who did Moses say would fight for the Israelites?
  • How did the attitudes of the Israelite people change at the end of this story?
    Instead of being afraid, they trusted God.
  • What did the Israelites do when they saw the Egyptians?
    Complained and blamed Moses, said they would rather go back and serve the Egyptians than die in the desert
  • Is having a fear of the Lord a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
    (It is a good thing, because when we fear the Lord, we become obedient to His Word and receive His blessings.
  • At what time was this plague going to take place?
  • What was going to happen to all of the Egyptian families?
    All of the firstborn males, both people and cattle would die.
  • What would the Israelites need to do?
    Nothing, just to be still.
  • At first Pharaoh let the Israelite people go, why did he change his mind?
    He lost the services of the Israelite people who were used like slaves, and his heart was hardened.
  • Why do you think Pharaoh let the people go after this plague when he didn't after the first nine plagues?
    It affected him personally, taking the life of someone dear to him.
  • What did God say would happen after this plague?
    Pharaoh would drive the Israelites completely out of Egypt
  • . How do we see God's protection in this story?
    By performing a miracle to stop an enemy from doing harm.
  • What happened when Moses stretched out his hand over the sea the second time?
    The waters returned and Pharaoh's entire army drowned
  • How did God keep the Egyptians away from the Israelites before they crossed the Red Sea?
    He placed a pillar of fire between the two of them.