
English Trophy - Unit 5

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  • Name 2 things you know about a solid.
    It has a shape and size.
  • Unscramble - freely./ Gases/ spread/ can
    Gases can spread freely.
  • Definition - State
    the physical form of a solid, liquid, or gas.
  • Definition - Lung
    the organ we use to breathe
  • Unscramble - Water/ 3/ states/ has/ matter./ of
    Water has 3 states of matter.
  • Definition - Breathe
    To move air in and out of one's lungs
  • Name a gas that you can see.
    You can see smoke
  • True or False - You can always see gases
    False - Usually you cannot see or smell gases.
  • True or False - Liquids have a shape.
    False. Liquide take the shape of their container.
  • True or False - Only something things are matter.
    False. Everything around us is matter.
  • Unscramble - liquids/ changes/ A/ shape/ easily.
    A liquids shape changes easily.
  • Unscramble - 3/ has/ Matter/ states.
    Matter has 3 states.
  • Name 2 examples of a semi-solid.
    Semi-solids can be jelly, toothpaste, ice cream.
  • Definition - Force
    physical power or strength
  • True or False - There are 3 kinds of matter
    True. Matter can be a solid, liquid, or gas.
  • Why doesn't a liquid have a shape?
    Liquids that the shape of the container it is in.
  • Unscramble - has/ shape/ and/ size./ A/ a/ liquid.
    A liquid has a shape and size.
  • True or False. Solids cannot change their shape.
    False. They can change when force is applied.
  • Definition - Spread
    to move something over an aread
  • What is a semi-liquid?
    It is a solid that isn't fully solid.
  • Definition - Container
    an object that holds something