
L 8 U 21

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  • Square feet
    Length (in feet) x width (in feet) = area in sq. ft.
  • Flooring
    Different materials on their floor, e.g., wood or carpet
  • Asking price
    The price at which something is offered for sale initially
  • Patio
    A place you can sit outside but that still has a floor and ceiling
  • Ins and outs
    Pros and cons
  • Landscaping
    Plan where to put plants and flowers
  • Sellers’ market
    When there are too few homes for sale but many buyers
  • Experience things firsthand
    Experience things for yourself
  • Terms
    Things included in a contract, such as interest rates, period of time, etc.
  • Multiple listing service (MLS)
    Online services for people wanting to buy or sell a home
  • To ask around
    Ask to other people for advice
  • Homeowners association (HOA)
    Neighborhoods organized into an association to make sure the roads, street lights work, etc work properly
  • On the market
    When something becomes available to buy
  • Real estate agent
    Professionals who help other people buy and sell homes