
How To Steal A Dog: Chapter 7

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  • Why do you think Georgina's mom doesn't want them to leave their things in the house?
    explain answer
  • True or False: Georgina's mom works at the cleaners?
  • After spending the weekend in their new home, did Georgina like it?
    No, she rather live in the car.
  • What types of things did Georgina's mom buy at the garage sale to make their new home more "homey?"
    a fake plant, an alarm clock, a radio, a plastic raft
  • True or false: Mama told them to leave their things at the house.
  • What did Georgina notice about her mother in this chapter? a. Her hair was different. b. She had lost weight. c. She had pierced ears.
    b. She had lost weight.
  • Where was Georgina using the bathroom to wash up in chapter 7?
  • Georgina's mom bought stuff from where to decorate their new home?
    a garage sale
  • What project did Georgina forget to do?
    science project