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  • A film which involves a lot of space travel is...
    science-fiction / sci-fi
  • A film based on true events in history is a...
    historical film
  • Steven Spielberg is a good example of a...
  • What do we call the translated script which you see at the bottom of the screen?
  • What do we call the story of a film?
  • A fantasy film is...
    abot an unreal/magica world that does not exist
  • A mystery film is...
    a film where the audience tries to understand what happened/who committed a crime
  • A horro film is...
    a film which makes you feel scared/shocked
  • What are props?
    The items you see or actors use in a film
  • Another way of saying romantic comedy is...
  • A film based in old America, made by Italians
    Spaghetti Western
  • The film "JAWS" is a...
  • What does the abbreviaton CGI stand for?
    Computer Generated Imagery
  • Shrek is an...
  • What does dubbed mean?
    a film which the original actors' voices have been replaced with other actors wpeaking another language
  • What is a soundtrack?
    The music of a film