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  • Find the linking verb and adjective in this sentence: These mangoes taste sour.
    tastes, sour
  • Find the linking verb and adjective in this sentence: I had been hesitant since then.
    had been, hesitant
  • Find the linking verb and adjective in this sentence: The dirty clothes smells stinky.
    smells, stinky
  • Find the linking verb and adjective in this sentence: I smell great right after I took a bath.
    smell, great
  • Find the linking verb and adjective in this sentence: I was astonished when I see their presentation.
    was, astonished
  • Find the adjective in this sentence: My grandparents live in a beautiful nipa hut.
  • Find the adjective in this sentence: I bought this mango shake over there!
  • Find the adjective in this sentence: The glass door has been broken by the kids.
  • Find the adjective in this sentence: My sister likes to collect some seashells.
  • Find the adjective in this sentence: The bamboo trees represents the Filipinos' resilience.