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  • 3 main components of translation according to Hating & Mason?
    Text, Text users, and The context in which the text is used or addressed.
  • "jeg fand brevet" Is an example of linguistic untranslatability, why?
    It involves structures that doesn't exist in English
  • What is a text that tells a series of events called?
    Narrative text
  • A produce in which the translator must read the text, find out the intentions of the text, text styles, readership as well as stylistic scales attitude, setting is Theory about..........
    Text analysis in translation
  • take the purely religious concepts, “Wudu, “Ghusl”, and “Tayammum” in Islam, which are most often translated as “Ablution”. That example includes what kind of untranslatability example?
    Cultural untranslatability
  • Two types of untranslatability.
    Linguistic and cultural
  • a property of a text, or of any utterance, in one language, for which no equivalent text or utterance can be found in another language when translated is theory about?
  • What is the difference between cultural untranslatability and linguistic untranslatability?
    Cultural untranslatability is the source language text, does not exist in the target language culture, by contrast, linguistics is common