
I Double Dog Dare You!

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  • Give yourself a big hug.
  • Do not blink for 30 seconds
    You blinked!
  • If you could eliminate a big social issue in the world , what would you eliminate and why?
  • What would you do with $1000?
  • Move as slow as you can until your next turn
  • Sing a group song for 10 seconds
    La la la...
  • Talk without moving your lips
    Were you really not moving your lips?!
  • Don't move until your next turn
    Like a statue!
  • Say the ABC's backwards
    Z y x ...
  • Do the Hokey Pokey dance without singing
    You put your left foot in and your left foot out!
  • Laugh until your next turn
  • Do a Mickey Mouse impression
    Hello everybody!
  • Do the chicken dance until your next turn
    Good chicken
  • Do the cha cha dance until your next turn
    Cha cha!
  • Do a batman impression
    My name is Batman!