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  • Don't ____________ (miss) the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.
    miss out
  • I never said a word about my decision to _______ (break) with her.
    break up
  • Never__________ (put) till tomorrow what can [may] be done today.
    put off
  • They hurried on to _______ (make) - for lost time.
    make up
  • Please feel free to _______ (keep) me if you need more information
    keep in touch with
  • As a clown he visits local hospitals to _______ (cheer)sick children.
    cheer up
  • John does not want to ________ (carry) working for his uncle.
    carry on
  • They're trying to _________ (figure) the politics of this whole situation.
    figure out
  • She ______ (pick) a few German phrases while staying in Berlin.
    picked up
  • She only bought that sports car to __________ (show) and prove she could afford one.
    show off
  • Don't __________ (count) other people to help you out of trouble.
    count on
  • He prefers instead to hold meetings with his colleagues and to_____ things _____ (talk)until a solution emerges.
    talk things through
  • I'm not going to ________ (put) their smoking any longer.
    put up with
  • Will you ____ me______ (pick) after the party?
    pick me up
  • I can't answer that puzzle; I _________( give).
    give up
  • My worst fear was that we would __________ (run) food.
    run out of
  • Hurry up, or you won't _______ (keep) with them.
    keep up
  • I don't like to__________(fall) with my friends.
    fall out