
Zoey Bassett

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  • Although Jonah at first ran from his assignment what 1 thing did he do to save The boat
    He told the sailors to throw him all overboard to calm the sea
  • The angel visit Mary while she was living in the city of?
  • What did Satan take from Job
    His livestock servants children and health.
  • What animal did Satan trick Eve with?
  • True or false Lot was a poor man Genesis 13:5,6.
  • True or false Jacob and his sons were herdsmen? Genesis 47:1-3
  • What is the 8th Commandment?
    Do not steal.
  • How old was David when he took down Goliath?
  • True or false Enoch did bad things like Cain.
    False Enoch served and please Jehovah.
  • Esther replace what queen?
  • Joke, What did Ruth say when she was tired of her son?
  • Did Jesus rest if someone needed his help
  • Solomon prayed not for riches or years of life but for what?
    An obedient heart
  • Jehovah ask Samuel to write what books
    Judas Ruth and part of 1st Samuel
  • Where were the stalks of flax at which Rahab hid the spies?
    On the roof
  • How did Joshua and his army Bring Down the Walls from Jericho
    They obeyed God by marching around the city
  • Which two prophets had a good influence on Joshua
    Jeremiah and Zephaniah
  • Jehovah use Jeremiah to write what for Bible books?
    First and second king Jeremiah and lamentations
  • Young Timothy accepted what special invitation
    To travel and serve with the apostles Paul
  • How many floods did Jehovah make?
  • Who murdered Abel
    His his brother cain
  • How many animals did Jehovah ask to bring in to the ark?
    2 per animal.
  • Jonathan was the eldest son of
    King Saul
  • What is Nehemiah's job?
    Cupbearer to King Artaxerxes
  • Why did Jehovah make the rainbow?
    It was a reminder that he would never flood the earth again.
  • Why did the big fish eat Noah
    He didn't he swallowed Jonah
  • David and Jesus were born in what city
  • Fill in the blank. Able works as a
  • Why was Daniel throne into the lions pit?
    He prayed to Jehovah although ordered not to.
  • The Apostle Paul taught people publicly and
    From house to house
  • Jonah was sent to preach to ______.
  • Were there any sharks in the ark?
    No they were outside in the water.
  • When Jehovah asked Whom should I send. How did Isaiah reply?
    Here I am send me
  • Why did Noah eat off the tree Jehovah said not to?
    He didn't Eve did
  • What books did Jeremiah write? Hint he wrote 4 bible books.
    First and second Kings Jeremiah and lamentation
  • True or false Pharaoh gave almost everything in his house for Joseph to look after? Genesis 39:8, 9.
  • Who is Jehovah?
    Most high over all the earth.
  • True or false? Manoah prepared a meal for the angel.
  • Paul supported his ministry by making blank
  • Did Jehovah let the animals be nice or bad for those 40 nights and days?
  • How old was Abraham when his son lsaac was born?
  • True or false Jeremiah remain single
  • Why did Pharaoh make Joseph the second ruler in Egypt
    He knew that God Spirit made Joseph why discreet
  • How old was Hezekiah when he became king of Judah
    25 years old
  • True or false Job has 10 kids
    False he had 20 kids
  • Who is the Devil?
  • Noah live to be blank years old
  • Complete this statement of Ruth, "Your people will be
    My people and your God my God
  • True or false Esau was younger then Jacob?
  • Jehovah inspired Moses to write what Bible books
    Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy