
MPYL 4 Classroom management

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  • Sing a greeting song for kids
    X D : )
  • Mention one way to designate classroom helpers.
    : )
  • Can we use Spanish in class?
    Only when it is necessary: To make a difficult expression understood quickly. To explain instructions for an activity?
  • Sing a song to set the date and day
    : D
  • Say the objective of your microteaching in less than 5 seconds
    : D
  • How can you manage the classroom climate? Partner A: explain 1 /Partner B: Explain 2
    Managing the classroom climate means managing the physical environment and the emotional atmosphere of the classroom.
  • The book suggests some basic rules that can be set by the teacher or co-constructed with the teacher's guidance. Can you mention them? Explain 2
    Do not talk when someone is talking. Raise your hand if you want to say something. Be kind to others. Work hard. Share. Cooperate.
  • Attention getters and brain break are examples of
    transition activities
  • Planning materials and instructions in advance is an example of ....
    Managing of the pace of class: activities
  • Sing a clean up song
  • Is the order correct? Set goal> take attendance> Greet T &SS> Assign roles > Date & time
    NO. The suggested order is Greet T &SS> Assign roles> take attendance> Date & time Set goal
  • Giving enough "waiting time" for students is an example of managing: TIME, ACTIVITIES or TRANSITIONS?
    Managing time
  • Because young learners have short attention span, teachers need to move quickly from activity to activity. They need to master time, activities & transitions. Which aspect of classroom management is this?
    Managing the pace of class.
  • Mention the aspects you need to take into account when using rules to manage your class effectively:
    Be sure you know the school rules. Incorporate them. Clearly Communicate/co-costruct the rules. Incorporate consequences. Enforce rules. Involve family.