
College 101

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  • What are you thinking about studying? What jobs are you interested in?
    Let's talk about it!
  • What about college are you most excited and most nervous about?
    Let's talk!
  • What is the difference between college and university?
    It depends!
  • What is a "major" in college?
    The main subject you study and get your degree in!
  • What is the FAFSA/WASFA?
    FAFSA = Federal Financial Aid Application WASFA = Washington Financial Aid Application
  • What is a transcript?
    A record of grades
  • How many years does it take to get a bachelor's degree vs an associate's?
    Bachelor: 4 years Associate: 2
  • What is a dorm?
    Student housing on campus
  • True or False: Once you pick your major you cannot change it
    False! You can change your major many times. You just need to work with your advisor to make sure you stay on track.
  • Who is someone in your life that you can ask for help with college?
    Foster parent, teacher, case manager, etc.
  • Name 5 college majors
    Examples: Business, Fine Arts, Communications, etc