
Phonic card game

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  • dell
    I have a Dell laptop.
  • curtsy
    Alice gave a curtsy.
  • hurt
    He hurts his knee.
  • fang
    Those fangs look sharp!
  • bang
    They bang on the door.
  • shell
    The turtle hides in his shell.
  • curtain
    The trumpet hides behind the curtain.
  • bell
    He rang the bell.
  • sprang
    The man sprang out of the window.
  • pang
    I have a hunger pang, so I make some bread.
  • spell
    Spell your name!
  • well
    Patrick fell into the well.
  • swell
    Her face is swelling.
  • burt
    Hi, my name is Burt.
  • hell
    The hellfire is hot!
  • yell
    Robin yelled for help.
  • dang
    Dang it! I almost win.
  • spurt
    Water spurt from the tank.
  • hang
    The cat is hanging from the tree.
  • clang
    The glasses made a loud clang sound.