
What am I

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  • I am a long bench seat where the congregation sit. I am rows usually facing the altar. What am I?
    A Pew
  • I am where the readings are proclaimed. I can also be called the lectern. What am I?
    Ambo or Pulprit
  • I am a sign that the Blessed Sacrament is being stored. I am beside the tabernacle. What am I?
    Sanctuary Lamp
  • I am where the priest or presider sits throughout Mass. What am I?
    Presiders Chair
  • I am usually at the entrance of the church. You place your hand on me and then bless yourself. What am I?
    Holy water Font
  • I am garments or other robes worn by the clergy (priests, deacons, bishops) throughout Mass or a special Liturgy. What am I?
    The Vestments
  • I am a locked box where the Eucharist is kept. You remain kneeling after Communion until I am closed. What am I?
    The Tabernacle
  • I am a covered container used to hold the consecrated small Hosts (body of Christ). I am similar to a chalice but covered and larger. What am I?
  • I am used for the sacrament of Baptism. I am shaped like a basin and am filled with holy water. What am I?
    Baptismal Font
  • I am the place where where sacred vestments, liturgical vessels, etc are stored. You will find the sacrarium there (a special sink with a pipe that bypasses the sewer, and goes straight into the earth). What am i?
  • I am the place where the Sacrifice of the Mass takes place. I am usually at the front of the church. What am I?
  • I am something that is lit for special prayer intentions. There are often many of me. I am not situated on the main altar. What am I?
    Votive or Candle
  • I am a colour and a sign of life in nature that represents growth, life and hope. I am used in ordinary time which is most of the year. What am I?
    The liturgical color of green
  • I am large cup or goblet which holds the wine which is changed to the blood of Jesus throughout Mass. What am I?
  • I am a festive, joyful colour, that is used during the Christmas and Easter seasons, and on major feast days. I am sometimes used at funerals. What am I?
    The liturgical color White
  • I am something that is usually in the main church in the Diocese where the bishop sits. What am I?
  • I am used lit at the Easter Vigil from the Easter fire. I am used at funerals, baptisms and on special occasions throughout the year. What am I?
    Paschal Candle
  • I am a colour that symbolises repentance and penance. I am used during the seasons of Advent and Lent. What am I?
    The liturgical color of Purple