
Abilties CAN/CAN'T

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  • No, he can't. (Make a question)
    Can he eat the ice cream?
  • What can he do?
    He can play soccer
  • Can monkeys jump?
    Yes, they can.
  • Can dogs dance ballet?
    No, they can't.
  • Yes, she can. (Make a question)
    Can she paint?
  • Can he run?
    No, he can't.
  • Can jaguars play the piano?
    No, they can't.
  • Can squirrels climb trees?
    Yes, they can
  • No, he can't. (Make a question)
    Can he ride a bicycle?
  • Can parrots sing?
    Yes, they can.
  • Yes, they can. (Make a question)
    Can they cook?