
The Midwest

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  • Emily ___________ going to watch an action movie, is she?
  • Who told the two boys the “big news” that there is a poster competition?
  • Why did European settlers come to live in the Midwest?
    There is good farmland
  • Why do people call the Midwest America’s "breadbasket"?
    The Midwest produces most of the food for the US.
  • He felt c____________ because he knew his ideas were good.
  • going to future: ________ (watch) a movie with your friends?
    Are you going to watch a movie with your friends?
  • (Story: What a wonderful world:) Who has got the ideas but not the talent to draw well ?
  • The words to win and winner are_____. They are in the same word family.
  • Where is the Mall of America - the biggest shopping center in the world! (A) - Iowa , (B) - Minnesota, (C) - California, (D) - Florida
  • going to future: Mom’s friends __________(visit) with their daughter Madison.
    Mom’s friends are going to visit with their daughter Madison.
  • We are going to have a picnic,______?
    aren't we
  • What is the largest city in the Midwest?
  • How long does it take to fly from the East Coast to the West Coast?
    about 6 hours
  • What is the name of Emily's horse?
  • (Story: Come on, Em!:) What's Emily's hobby ?
    barrel racing