
Grade 7 - Unit 1- Hobby

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  • 8. Why don’t we go swimming this afternoon? → What about ....?
    What about going swimming this afternoon?
  • Are you keen on reading book? Why?
    your own answer// Yes, I am. Because reading is a good way to expand vocabulary
  • How many hours a day do you spend on your hobby?
    I often spend ..... .hours ................... a day (V-ing)
  • He enjoys (go)..................cycling at the weekend
  • Are your interested in singing karaoke? Why?
    your own answer// Yes, I am. Because it helps me relax.// I feel happy when I sing karaoke
  • It took me three hours to make this pottery jug. --> I spent...............
    I spent three hours making this pottery jug.
  • Do you really enjoy going to the gym?Why?
    your own answer. //Yes, because it keeps me fit.
  • What is your favorite hobby? When did you start this hobby?
    your own answer
  • Is carving wood an unsual hobby?
  • He takes photographs ............... a hobby.
  • How much time do you spend (surf) the Internet per day?
  • When did you start your hobby? → How long...........?
    How long have you had your hobby?
  • I’m told you are ill. I hope you (feel) better again
    will feel
  • Do you think listenign to music is wonderful?
    your own answer.// Yes, Music can speak, through music people can express feelings and emotions
  • Do you think singing is difficult?
    your own answer // No, it’s not easy. I think anyone can do it!
  • His hobby is collecting toy cars. → He collects ............
    He collects toy cars as a hobby
  • My father likes to do gardening at the weekend.→ My father enjoys ............
    My father enjoys doing gardening at the weekend.
  • Do you find reading useful? Why?
    your own answer. // Yes, It broadens our knowledge
  • Do you find collecting dolls expensive?
    your own answer // No, it’s not very expensive, and anyone can do it!
  • We all find painting interesting because it’s a creative activity. → We all think .....
    We all think painting is interesting because it’s a creative activity
  • Do you think watching TV is relaxing?
    your own answer.// Yes, it eases our stress after a long working day at school.
  • Do you think drawing creative? Why?
    your own answer.// Yes, because it develop our imagination and boost our creativity.
  • It isn’t necessary to finish the work today. → You don’t .....................
    You don’t need to finish the work today.
  • Do you find mountain climbing safe or dangerous?
    Answer by your own.