
EG_Present Continious vs Present Simple

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  • Мальчик и девочка делают зарядку сейчас.
    The boy and the girl are doing their exercises now.
    The boy and the girl do their exercises now.
  • Я всегда играю в баскетбол по вторникам.
    I am always playing basketball on Tuesdays.
    I always play basketball on Tuesdays.
  • Смотри! Слоны играют в футбол.
    Look! The elephants play football.
    Look! The elephants are playing football.
  • Я играю в баскетбол сейчас.
    I play basketball now.
    I am playing basketball now.
  • Мы делаем зарядку каждое утро.
    We are doing our exercises every morning.
    They do their exercises every morning.
    We do our exercises every morning.
  • Сильвия иногда играет в теннис на теннисном корте.
    Sylvia is sometimes playing tennis on the tennis court.
    Sylvia sometimes plays tennis on the tennis court.
  • Слоненок обычно ложится спать в девять.
    The little elephant usually goes to bed at nine.
    The little elephant is usually going to bed at nine.
  • Дождь часто идёт осенью.
    It often rains in autumn.
    It is often raining in autumn.
  • Слоны часто играют в футбол.
    The elephants often play football.
    The elephants are often playing football.
  • I ***** football on Mondays.
    am playing
  • Весной темнеет в семь часов.
    In spring it gets dark at seven.
    In spring it is getting dark at seven.
  • Моя собака плавает каждый день.
    My dog swims every day.
    My dog is swimming every day.
  • Зимой темнеет в пять часов.
    In winter it gets dark at five.
    In winter it is getting dark at five.
  • Вы обычно ужинаете в девять часов.
    You are usually having dinner at nine o'clock.
    You usually have dinner at nine o'clock.
  • Она занята. Она обедает.
    She is busy. She has lunch.
    She is busy. She is having lunch.
  • Кот принимает ванну сейчас.
    The cat is having a bath now.
    The cat has a bath now.
  • Крокодил обычно обедает в два часа.
    The crocodile usually has lunch at two o'clock.
    The crocodile is usually having lunch at two o'clock.
  • Смотри! На улице темнеет.
    Look! It gets dark outdoors.
    Look! It is getting dark outdoors.
  • Смотри! Они играют в футбол.
    Look! They play football.
    Look! They are playing football.
    Look! We are playing football.
  • Этот слон играет в баскетбол сейчас.
    This elephant is playing basketball now.
    This elephant plays basketball now.
  • Смотри! Обезьяна играет в гольф.
    Look! A monkey is playing golf.
    Look! A monkey plays golf.
  • Я играю в футбол по понедельникам.
    I am playing football on Mondays.
    I play football on Mondays.
  • Кот принимает ванну каждый день после ужина.
    The cat is having a bath every day after dinner.
    The cat has a bath every day after dinner.
  • Смотри! На улице идёт снег!
    Look! It is snowing outdoors!
    Look! It snows outdoors!
  • Они заняты. Они ужинают.
    They are busy. They are having dinner.
    They are busy. They have dinner.
  • Слонёнок ложится спать сейчас.
    The little elephant is going to bed now.
    The little elephant goes to bed now.
  • Он занят. Он завтракает.
    He is busy. He has breakfast.
    He is busy. He is having breakfast.
  • Мы играем в футбол сейчас.
    We are playing football now.
    We play football now.
  • Обезьяны никогда не играют в гольф.
    The monkeys never play golf.
    The monkeys are never playing golf.
  • You usually ***** lunch at two o'clock.
    are having
  • Дождь всё ещё идёт.
    It still rains.
    It is still raining.
  • Осенью темнеет в семь часов.
    In autumn it is getting dark at seven.
    In autumn it gets dark at seven.
  • Мы всегда завтракаем в восемь часов.
    We always have breakfast at eight o'clock.
    We are always having breakfast at eight o'clock.
  • Летом никогда не идёт снег.
    It is never snowing in summer.
    It never snows in summer.
  • Крокодил завтракает сейчас.
    The crocodile is having breakfast now.
    The crocodile has breakfast now.
  • Ты обычно обедаешь в два часа.
    You are usually having lunch at two o'clock.
    You usually have lunch at two o'clock.
  • Где Сильвия сейчас? Она играет в теннис.
    Where is Sylvia now? - She is playing tennis.
    Where is Sylvia now? - She plays tennis.
  • Мы часто играем в футбол.
    We often play football.
    We are often playing football.
    They often play football.
  • Посмотри! Собака плывёт.
    Look! A dog is swimming.
    Look! A dog swims.
  • Мы играем в футбол сейчас.
    You are playing football now.
    We play football now.
    We are playing football now.
  • Они делают зарядку сейчас.
    They are doing their exercises now.
    We are doing our exercises now.
    They do their exercises now.
  • Они делают зарядку каждое утро.
    They are doing their exercises every morning.
    They do their exercises every morning.
  • Они всегда завтракают в восемь часов.
    They are always having breakfast at eight o'clock.
    We always have breakfast at eight o'clock.
    They always have breakfast at eight o'clock.
  • Летом темнеет в девять часов.
    In summer it gets dark at nine.
    In summer it is getting dark at nine.