
Review Units 1,2,3 - Comm 1

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  • Complete with the correct possessive adjective: My teacher's cat is Chico. ........ other cat is Clara.
  • These are Chico and Clara, and ..........owner is Paulina. ............ are very friendly. (they-their)
  • Turn this sentence to plural : It´s a blue book.
    They are blue books
  • Complete the sentence : Sushi is .....(A/AN) ...............(nationality) food.
    a Japanese
  • Complete the sentence using the correct pronoun or adjective: This is my sister's bedroom. ---------(sister) bedroom is all pink and (it) windows are yellow !!! ________(my sister) loves vibrant colors.
    This is my sister's bedroom. HER bedroom is all pink and ITS windows are yellow !!! SHE loves vibrant colors.
  • A person from Netherland is ...
  • Answer this question: Are you a Japanese student ? (short negative and correction)
    No, I'm not. I'm Brazilian
  • Complete : The teacher's parents ........from Chile but the students ........ from Brazil.
  • Ask three information to a classmate (WH)
    where do you live, Where are you from, What´s yoir occupation, what's your favorite music, who's your favorite singer, when is your birthday, how old are you...
  • tell me the 7 days of the week.
    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  • tell 3 famous people and their nationalities
    Messi is Argentinian, Angela Merkel is German and tacos are Mexican
  • tell me three furniture in your bedroom
    wardrobe, bed, rug, TV
  • when is your birthday ?
    it´s on.......Month + Day. OR It's in ....MONTH...
  • connect this words with a room in the house: shower, sink, toilet,
  • tell three negative sentences about you.
    I'm not......
  • what's the date today ?
    It´s October 1st(first)
  • who is my brother's wife ?
    my sister in law 
  • Say three countries from Europe
    Germany, England, Italy
  • spell your teacher's second name
  • How old is your teacher ?
    45 !!!
  • Complete the sentence: Homer's children .......... Lisa, bart and Maggie.
  • tell me a family member's age
    My father mother sister is.....
  • Use an adjective : My classmates are......My mom is.......
  • ask your classmate's nationality (using FROM)
    where are you from ......?
  • tell me 2 alternatives to ask : How are you ?
    How are you doing? How's it going? What's up ?
  • Ask your partner phone number.
    what's your cellphone number ?
  • Complete the sentence: Clara is a very charming cat, but Chico is really annoying.
  • read these numbers : 15, 50, 30, and 13
    fifteen, fifty, thirty and thirteen
  • How many classmates do you have ?
  • what's your email ?
    It´ (.) com
  • Describe a person you like
    my best friend mother is....
  • Bruno Mars is ........ (A/AN) .............(nationality) singer
    an American Singer
  • who is my father's brother ?
    It´s my uncle