
KWTs by student for students

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  • I was amazed by HER SHADE OF LIPSTICK on the first day I saw her. WHAT
    What amazed me on the forst day I saw her was...
  • Birds have a hard time living in noisy cities. ALMOST It is _________ in noisy cities.
    It is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE FOR BIRDS TO LIVE in noisy cities.
  • The manager of the camp site ignored the high temperatures. OF The manager of the camp site __________ of the high temperatures.
    took no notice of
  • The kids were ignoring their teacher ATTENTION The kids __________ their teacher.
    The kids were not paying (any) attention to their teacher.
  • I was on the point of quitting my job at the restaurant. TOWEL I was about _____________________ at the restaurant.
    I was about to throw in the towel at the restaurant.
  • I'd love to be able to go to the opera with you. WISH I........ go with you to the opera.
    wish I could
  • Her drunk driving was putting her in danger. AT She was putting _____________ drunk.
    She was putting her life at risk by driving drunk.
  • People eat at fast food places because they are cheap. THAT It is ________ people eat at fast food places.
    It is THE LOW PRICES THAT MAKES people eat at fast food places.
  • I can't concentrate in a noisy room. FIND I _______________ concentrate in a noisy room.
    I find it impossible to concentrate in a noisy room.
  • Due to the storm all fights were cancelled. RESULTED The storm ___________ flights.
    The storm resulted in the cancellation of all flights.
  • Late arrival will result in the cancellation of your stay. BE If you do not arrive _________ cancelled.
    f you do not arrive ON TIME, YOUR STAY WILL BE cancelled.
  • Many bird species are likely to become extinct. DANGER Many bird species ___________________ extinct.
    Many bird species ARE IN DANGER OF BECOMING extinct.
  • Shakespeare wrote the well known love story Romeo & Juliet IN 1597.
    it was in 1597 that/It was 1597 when Shakespeare....
  • She didn't realise how warm the weather was until her ice cream melted. NOTICE She hadn't_______weather until her ice cream melted.
    She hadn't TAKEN ANY NOTICE OF THE WARM weather until her ice cream melted.
  • It's ______ time you stood up for yourself!
  • I should really be going home now. TIME It's ......... home now
    time I went
  • Graham Bell invented the telephone IN 1876.
    It was in 1876 that/It was 1876 when
  • I wish Carol _______ be here to see you all
  • I was amazed by HER SHADE OF LIPSTICK on the first day I saw her.
    It was her shade of lipstick that amazed me...
  • Because the bird was singing it was impossible for me to concentrate. BEEN Had _________________ I could have concentrated.
    Had THE BIRD NOT BEEN SINGING I could have concentrated.
  • Claudia was the only one who wanted to go camping. FROM Nobody wanted__________ Claudia.
    to go camping apart from
  • He first became famous as a painter. NAME He originally _____________ painter.
    He originally made his name as a painter.
  • It's extremely likely that Man City will win the CL. EVERY Man City __________ the CL.
    stand(s) every chance of winning
  • He was about to throw his coffee at his boss. POINT He was_____ his coffee at his boss.
    He was ON THE POINT OF THROWING his coffee at his boss.
  • She kept in touch with friend so she could get back the hat she had lent him. STANDS She_____hat back if she dosen't keep talking to her friend.
    She STANDS NO CHANCE OF GETTING HER hat back if she dosen't keep talking to her friend.
  • He's almost certain to lose his vision. SURE He's __________ vision.
    He's for sure going to lose his vision.
  • Shakespeare wrote the well known love story ROMEO & JULIET in 1597.
    What Shakespeare wrote in 1597 was....
  • He has no recollection of the explosion because he fainted. IMPOSSIBLE He found the explosion_________ to the fact that he had fainted.
    He found the explosion IMPOSSIBLE TO REMEMBER OWING to the fact that he had fainted.
  • The birds started singing soon after the sun rose. RISEN Hardly _____________ the birds started singing.
    Hardly HAD THE SUN RISEN THAN/WHEN the birds started singing.
  • I fell because I left my torch at home. HAD ________________ I wouldn't have fallen.
    HAD I REMEMBERED/BROUGHT MY TORCH I wouldn't have fallen
  • I ________ rather not go by train if that is possible
  • GRAHAM BELL invented the telephone in 1876.
    It was Graham Bell who invented the telephone in 1876.
  • He wasn't paying attention which is why his bag was stolen. EYE He didn't_______________, so it was stolen.
    He didn't keep an eye on his bag, so it was stolen.
  • She ignored the warning signs. NOTICE She paid ________ to the warning signs.
    She paid no notice to the warning signs.
  • Whales cannot be seen in Barcelona. NO You have_______________ in Barcelona.
    You have no chance of seeing whales in Barcelona.
  • After winning the match the whole team was in a happy mood. SPIRITS the whole team was ........because of the victiory.
    in high spirits
  • Some day he will become a famous cyclist. TIME It's only ______________ becomes a famous cyclist.
    It's only a matter of time until he becomes a famous cyclist.
  • I have no recollection of the accident. ANYTHING I can't ____________ the accident.
    I can't remember anything about the accident.
  • He met his future wife while eating a hamburger. WHILE It was ________ that he met his future wife.
    It was WHILE HE WAS EATING A HAMBURGER that he met his future wife.
  • URIEN, an English teacher, was found dead in this forest in 2006.
    It was Urien, who was an English teacher, that was found dead in this forest in 2006.
  • I can't go camping because I am out of holiday time. WERE ____________ left I would go camping.
    WERE I TO HAVE ANY HOLIDAY TIME left I would go camping.
  • It is only a matter of time before the flower dies. CHANCE The flower______dying.
    The flower STANDS EVERY CHANCE OF DYING eventually.
  • I'm pretty sure I didn't invite that cat into my home. OF I __________ that cat into my home.
    have no recollection of inviting
  • A man was killed in this forest IN 2006.
    It was in 2006 that/2006 when a man was killed in this forest.
  • I've had enough of your constant complaining. WISH I ........ complain all the time!
    wish you wouldn't
    What Urien did was/has done is come back from the dead to seek his revenge.
  • The students have been given temporary housing. BEING For ....... the students are living in a caravan.
    the time being
  • There is a strong possibility he will lose his job. DANGER He _____ his job.
    He is in danger of losing his job.
  • You ________ as if you played in the match instead of just watching it!
  • He wrote a letter so as not to lose contact with his friend. TOUCH He wrote a letter because _______________with his friend.
    He wrote a letter because he wanted to stay in touch with his friend.
  • The rain resulted in Kim's camping trip being cancelled. CAUSED Rain ____________ Kim's camping trip.
    Rain CAUSED THE CANCELLATION OF Kim's camping trip.
  • Tom is incapable of pooping in nature. IMPOSSIBLE Tom __________ in nature.
    finds it impossible to poop
  • He's been made responsible for picking up the balls. CHARGE He is________the balls.
    He is IN CHARGE OF PICKING UP the balls.
  • In a few years global warming will have caused the extinction of many bird species. TIME It is _________________ until global warming causes the extinction of many bird species.
    It is ONLY A MATTER OF TIME until global warming causes the extinction of many bird species.
  • SHAKESPEARE wrote the well known love story Romeo & Juliet in 1597.
    It was Shakespeare who wrote....
  • She has no intention of losing any of her independence. LESS Becoming _________ in her plans.
    Becoming (any) less independent is not in her plans.
  • Heavy rain is likely to mean that the match will be cancelled. IN Heavy rain is likely __________ of the match.
    to result in the cancellation
  • Ismael refused to drink the coffee I had made him.INTENTION "I__________ that coffee" said Ismael.
    have no intention of drinking
  • I ________ you don't mind me phoning so late.
  • It's too difficult for me to study when it is hot. IMPOSSIBLE Hot ________ for me to study.
    Hot weather makes it impossible for me to study.
  • Do you ever regret not going to university? WISH Do you ever ................................................... to university?
    wish you had gone
  • One way of protecting the environment would be to use public transport more. BETTER Using public transport more would be __________ the environment.
    a change for the better for
  • Your pen will eventually run out of ink. TIME It is __________ your pen runs out of ink.
    only matter of time until
  • I have difficulty concentrating when my cat sits on my keyboard. IMPOSSIBLE I find __________ when my cat sits on my keyboard.
    it impossible to concentrate
  • I've had enough of your constant complaining. WISH I ........ complaining all the time!
    wish you would stop
  • I wish you ________ try listening to me just for once!