
Money Madness

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  • Which country's money is this?
    Hong Kongnese money
  • Money on the computer is _ money.
  • Which country's money is this?
    Argentinian money
  • In the world, how many trees are cut down every year to make money?
  • What is US "paper" money made of?
  • Which country's money is this?
    Korean money
  • What year was the New Taiwan Dollar created?
  • Which country makes the most fake money? (in Asia)
    North Korea
  • When prices up, the value of money goes _.
  • Which country's money is this?
    English/British money
  • Which country's money is this?
    Japanese money
  • Which country's money is this?
    Mexican money
  • How many countries use animal fat in their money? (within 10)
  • What is the name of the place that makes money? (a candy or a flavor)
  • When you take something off of the internet and put it on your computer, you _ it.
  • What is the trading system called?
  • What kind of money is printed more than real money?
    Monopoly money
  • Which country's money is this?
    Russian money
  • What is Brazilian money?
  • The place where your digital money is kept is an _.
  • How much is a dollar bill worth?
    One dollar!
  • What place is on the 1000 NTD bill?
    Yushan National Park
  • Which country's money is this?
    Swiss money
  • What do all the people on money have in common?
    They are all dead
  • When prices down, the value of money goes _.
  • How many dollar bills would weigh one kg?
  • Which country's money is this?
    Chinese money
  • Harriet Tubman will be the first woman on American money in over 100 years. Why is she famous?
    She helped free slaves.
  • What is the word for when a soft food turns hard?
  • What percentage of the world's money is physical (paper or metal)? (Within 10%)
  • What could you do with a printed promise?
    Take it to the bank.
  • The first American pennies said "Mind your business". What does that mean?
    Pay attention to your own life
  • What people are on the 500 NTD bill?
    Baseball players
  • What is a big piece of bread?
    A loaf.
  • How many kinds of 10 NTD coins are there?
    2 (Chaing Kai-shek & Sun Yat-sen)
  • Which money being used now is the oldest money in the world?
    British pounds (8th century)
  • Which one was not a kind of money? soap, cocoa beans, elephant tail hairs, grain, cat ears, animal skins, tea, bird claws, and bear teeth
    cat ears
  • If something is important or wanted by many, it is _.
  • Which country's money is this?
    Brazilian money
  • Which country's money is this?
    Canadian money.
  • What place's money has Star Wars, Pokemon, and Elsa on it? (English-speaking country)
    Niue Island (New Zealand)
  • What animal is on the 2000 NTD bill?
  • What four metals were used as money?
    copper, bronze, silver, and gold
  • What plant is on the 50 NTD coin?
  • What place is on the 100 NTD bill?
    Chungshan Building, Yangminshan, Taipei
  • What is Russian money?
  • What is the word for when you don't need other people?
  • What is Mexican money?