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  • When his photo appeared on the evening news, the thief decided to go to the police station and ........ himself ........
    hand - in
  • The process which takes place in a court, in which a crime is discussed and a guilty/not guilty verdict is reached is called a ...........
  • Setting fire to a property is called: a) assault b) smuggling c) arson
    c) arson
  • Capital punishment happens when a person is killed by the state as a punishment for a crime. True or False?
  • Crimes which are considered to be less serious, such as, pick-pocketing, vandalism and speeding are called petty crimes or ........................
  • when someone illegally pays less tax than they should
    tax evasion
  • Illegally getting control of an aircraft or vehicle is called: a) hacking b) hijacking c) abduction
    b) hijacking
  • Deception for personal or financial gain is: a) fraud b) hijacking c) abduction
    a) fraud
  • Taking from another person's pockets is called: a) shoplifting b) smuggling c) pick pocketing
    c) pick pocketing
  • Which crime does the picture represent? 
    (violent) assault
  • The burglar ........... ......... their house while the family was away on holiday.
    broke - into
  • Which crime does the picture represent?
    bribery (crime)
  • What is the difference between "bail" and "fine"?
  • A group of people who decide whether the defendant is guilty or not is called: a) witness b) jury c) trial
    b) jury