
b1 revision

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  • present continuous?
    things that are happening now, at this moment and temporary situations that are happening around now
  • attitude adverbs? ex.: luckily, the money was still here when I returned.
    describe the speaker's attitude towards the information in the clause
  • the passive? to be + past participle
    active - the person or thing who does the action comes first; passive - the person or thing affected by the action comes first 
  • first conditional? ex.: If it rains, I won't go to the park.
    if + present simple, ... will + infinitive; It's used to talk about possible things which might happen in the future. 
  • be going to? ex.: I am going to take a holiday in March.
    plans for the future or intentions(thing you have already decided to do)
  • third conditional? ex.: If she had studied, she would have passed the exam.
    if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participle; It talks about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, imagining the result of it
  • Present simple?
    habits/routines, things that are always true/permanent and describing a state.
  • adverbs of frequency/probability? ex.: she will probably arrive at 6:30.
    how often something happens or how probable it is. usually before the main verb;
  • correct the sentence: I was studying history since 2006.
    I have been studying history since 2006.
  • correct the sentence: I'm hating garlic.
    I hate garlic.
  • adverbs of degree? ex.: he is quite late.
    modify an adjective or a verb; they make it weaker or stronger
  • explain: articles a/an
  • present perfect simple? ex.: I have eaten out twice this week.
    completed actions which happened in an unfinished period of time that is connected to now
  • reported speech? reporting verbs?
    say and tell; when we report what someone said, we usuaaly go one tense back to show tha t the words were said in the past
  • past continuous? ex.: what were you doing at 10 o'clock last night?
    what was happening at a particular moment in the past
  • second conditional? ex.: If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.
    if + past simple, ...would + infinitive; hypothetical, imaginary situations and the consequences; we can use could, might and would; 'were' -I, he, she, it
  • adverbs of manner? ex.: Drive carefully.
    how something happens-they modify the verb; usually come after the verb
  • past simple? ex.: I went to Disneyland last year. 
    completed actions or states which happened in a finished period of time in the past; no connection to now
  • irregular adjective and comparatives and superlatives?
    good- better than- the best ; bad - worse than - the worst
  • zero conditional? ex.: If people eat too much, they get fat.
    If + present simple, .... present simple. This conditional is used when the result will always happen. if can be replaced by when