
Sex And the City Episode 1

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  • Why don’t women have serious relationships according to him?
    Because of their expectations.
  • Where is the only place one can find love according to him?
    In the gay community.
  • What is Samantha’s advice?
    To go out and just have sex like a man.
  • Why is she angry?
    Because he didn’t call her.
  • How do relationships work for him?
    The mid-30s power flip.
  • Where did Carrie first meet Mr Big?
    They met in the street.
  • What kind of relationship does he want?
    A relationship without commitment.
  • Whose birthday is it?
  • Why does Miranda get mad at Skipper?
    Because his hand is on her knee.
  • Where do they meet?
    In an art gallery.
  • What’s the problem between men and women according to Charlotte?
    Most men are threatened by successful women.
  • Why do people get married according to him?
    To have kids.
  • What is missing in Manhattan according to Skipper?
    Romance, the space for romance
  • What is the Ross Bleckner?
    A painting.
  • Where do they go together?
    They go to see houses for sale.
  • How does Carrie go back home after clubbing?
    Mr Big takes her home.
  • According to Carrie… what’s the problem with women in New York?
    They are alone.
  • Where is he going?
    He is going to Chaos, the nightclub.
  • Is Samantha in a committed relationship?
  • What do you have to do if you want to have a relationship according to Charlotte?
    You have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules.
  • Where is she from?
    She is from London.
  • Why can’t Charlotte go to Chaos?
    Because she has a date.
  • Who is he?
    Carrie’s ex.
  • Where is he meeting Miranda?
    In Chaos, a nightclub.
  • How does Miranda see men?
    As self-centered and unappreciative.