
Team 4 Day and Night

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  • What makes the moon shine
    The Moon The brightest star of the nigth owes its ligth to the sun
  • How many years does the earth take for there to be one more day?
    4 years
  • what things happen when the earth is moved
    the seasons of the year
  • Why does the earth have to turn?
    so that there day and night
  • How the sun gives light
    SUNLIGTH is due to nuclear meltdowns
  • how long does the earth move around the sun?
  • how does Earth's rotation on its axis cause day and night?
    half of Earth always faces the sun and is lit by sunligh.There it is day the other half of Earth faces away from the sun and is dark.there it is night
  • How long does it take for the moon to make once complete revolution around the eart?h
    The moon turns around the earth if the rotation with respect to the stellar background is considered
  • how is the moon
    The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth withan equatorial diameter it is the fifth largest satellitein solar system
  • How long does the earth take to turn on its same axis?
    24 hours