
Irregular Verbs

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  • STICK your tongue out
    stick stuck stuck
  • TELL me a joke!
    tell told told
  • Spin baby spin
    spin spun spun
  • I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    win won won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sleep.....zzz.....
    sleep slept slept
  • How much do I have to PAY?
    Pay paid paid
  • What did you just SAY?
    say said said
  • You think you're greater because you can STAND?
    stand stood stood
  • Sneaky SNEAK
    sneak snuck snuck
  • Time to SLIDE!
    slide slid slid
  • Do not SPEND the money.
    spend spent spent
  • SWING it!
    swing swung swung
  • Lightning STRIKES tonight! (strike)
    strike struck struck
  • SEND message to Mittens
    send sent sent
  • STING like a bee
    sting stung stung
  • Meet my friend, Almond.
    meet met met
  • SELL watermelons
    sell sold sold
  • SHOOT lasers from the eyes
    shoot shot shot
  • I weep
    weep wept wept
  • Sweep
    sweep swept swept
  • Think
    think thought thought
  • SIT, cat! Wow, you sit a little strange.
    sit sat sat
  • TEACH Dr. Seuss books
    teach taught taught
  • What do you MEAN?
    mean meant meant