
American Download_C1_C2_U6_voc_2

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  • not add up: sent
  • exaggerate: sent
  • unresolved: def
    uncertain, up in the air
  • manipulate: sent
  • funding: def
    amount of money used for a particular puspose
  • intervene : sent
  • rule out: sent
  • tasteful: def
    showing good taste
  • motive: sent
  • count on: syn
    depend on, rely on
  • enviously: syn
  • rational: syn
    logical, reasonable
  • vivid: sent
  • exclude: def
    not include, leave out
  • compatible: sent
  • back up: sent
  • fall into a trap: def
    be fooled or deceived
  • set sb up: sent
  • enhancement: def