
If Clause

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  • If she............(drink) cold water, she..........(be) sick.
    drinks/will be
  • If I ...........(have) enough money, I .........(buy) a new dress.
    have/ will buy
  • If she .............(get) a job, she ............(stay) in London.
    gets/ will stay
  • If I .........(see) her, I...... (tell)
    see/will tell
  • If we............(study) hard, we ...........(pass) the exam.
    study/will pass
  • If he .............(come), I ............(be) surprised.
    comes/ will be
  • If I ........(do) this activity, I .............(improve) my English.
    do/ will improve
  • If it ............(rain), she...........(take) a taxi.
    rains/will take