
Present simple

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  • ANSWER THE QUESTIONS...(Put DO / DOES) -_________________ they do their homework?
    No, they don´t.
  • Use don´t or doesn't... - María __________ do the housework.
    María DOESN´T do the housework.
  • These pronouns go with Don't or Doesn´t: (He , She, It)
  • ANSWER THE QUESTIONS...(Put DO / DOES) -_________________ they do their housework?
    Yes, they do.
  • ANSWER THE QUESTIONS...(Put DO / DOES) -_________________ Irma sleep ?
    No, she doesn´t.
  • Luis goes / go to school.
  • She do/ does her homework.
  • Use don´t or doesn't... - Miriam______________ listen to music.
    Miriam DOESN´T listen to music.
  • Use don´t or doesn't... - We _____________ do exercises.
    We DON´T do exercises
  • You wash / washes your hands.
  • These pronouns go with Don't or Doesn´t: (I , You, We, They)
  • ANSWER THE QUESTIONS...(Put DO / DOES) -_________________ she wash her hands?
    Yes, she does.
  • Use don´t or doesn't... - I ____________ get up.
    I   DON´T get up.
  • ANSWER THE QUESTIONS...(Put DO / DOES) -_______ Ana make bed?
    Yes, she does.
  • They watch/watches tv.
  • Use don´t or doesn't... - Nayely and me______________ do exercises.
    Nayely and me DON´T do exercises.
  • Abel and Luciana makes / make bed.
  • Use don´t or doesn't... - He______________ go to sleep..
    He DOESN´T go to sleep
  • ANSWER THE QUESTIONS...(Put DO / DOES) -_________________ Angel get up ?
    Yes, he does
  • I stand/stands up.