
Causes of the US Civil War part 1

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  • What was Henry Clay's nickname?
    The Great Compromiser
  • In the Compromise of 1850 what happened with the slave trade in Washington DC?
    It was abolished (but Congress could not ban slave trade between slave states)
  • People who crossed the border of Kansas and illegaly voted for slavery were called what?
    Border Ruffians
  • Who came up with the idea and helped pass the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
    Stephen Douglas
  • The Dred Scott Case ruled what compromise unconstitutional?
    Missouri Compromise
  • Who was the Senator from Massachusetts beaten with a cane for talking poorly about another Senator and about slavery.
    Charles Sumner
  • David Wilmot came up with a proposal to ban slavery from all lands gained from what country?
  • Who led a raid in Kansas and hacked pro-slavery people, leaving their mutilated bodies out for others to see.
    John Brown
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act did away with what compromise passed in 1820?
    Missouri Compromise
  • Who would be seen as a hero in the North and a Villain
    John Brown
  • Why did the Wilmot Proviso not pass in the Senate?
    There were an equal number of slave and free states
  • Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
    Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Who won the election of 1848 and became president?
    Zachary Taylor
  • The Missouri Compromise line that separated free from slave only applied where?
    In the Louisiana Purchase Territory
  • Identifying with or having loyalty to a region or state instead of the country as a whole
  • In the Compromise of 1850 a border dispute was settled between Texas and what territory?
    New Mexico
  • Who was the person that came up with the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850?
    Henry Clay
  • False or misleading information in order to further a cause
  • Who won the election of 1860, which caused Southern states to secede?
    Abraham Lincoln
  • According to the Missouri Compromise what was the line of latitude that separated free from slave?
    36 30
  • To break away from or leave
  • a runaway slave
  • What new political party was created as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
  • Who was the Free Soil candidate in the election of 1848?
    Martin Van Buren
  • Did the Supreme Court decide to free Dred Scott?
  • What new political party was formed because Democrats and Whigs would not state their ideas about what they wanted to do with slavery?
    Free Soil Party
  • In the Compromise of 1850 what free state was added?
  • Stephen Douglas wanted the transcontinental railroad to go through his home state of?
  • The person who spoke for the south and was opposed to the Compromise of 1850?
    John C. Calhoun
  • Why did Dred Scott claim he should not be a slave?
    He was brought into free states and territories and therefore should not have been a slave there.
  • Under the Missouri Compromise which state was added as a free state?
  • In the Compromise of 1850 how was the issue of slavery going to be decided in the Utah and New Mexico territories?
    Popular Sovereignty (voting)