
5 senses

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  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    A pop tab
  • Review: What does the respiratory system do?
    breathes - sends oxygen in the body and gets rid of carbon dioxide
  • Which part of the tongue tastes sour flavors? (pick a number)
  • Mechanical input travels in what way to the body?
    physical touch or vibrations
  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    a club cracker
  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    a pencil
  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    an Oreo
  • Which sense would you use to feel?
  • A nerve ending that sends messages to the brain.
    sensory receptor
  • Review: What does the muscular system do?
    moves your body (and the heart pumps blood)
  • Review: What does the digestive system do?
    breaks food into small enough pieces to be used by the body
  • When we tasted the coffee what flavor was it?
  • When we tasted the salt water what flavor was it?
  • True or False: your nose and tongue work together to help you taste.
  • What could be a reason that different people smell different scents (even if they are smelling the same object)
    Different sense of smell, different memories, different connections to smells, never smelled something before, stuffy nose,
  • True or False: Smells can trigger memories.
  • Review: What does the skeletal system do?
    bones - hold your body up
  • Chemical input travels in what way to the body
    through chemicals (smells, taste)
  • Review: What does the nervous system do?
    the brain sends messages to the rest of the body, uses your senses
  • What sense would you use to eat?
  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    A toothbrush
  • Which vocab word means an act or condition that provokes a response.
  • When we tasted the sugar water what flavor was it?
  • Review: What does the excretory system do?
    filters and gets rid of waste
  • When we tasted the vinegar what flavor was it?
  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    An apple (specifically the stem part)
  • What sense would you use to listen?
  • Which part of the tongue tastes salty flavors? (pick a number)
  • Use your sense of sight to tell what the following close up image is.
    Cereal (Frosted Flakes)
  • Which part of the tongue tastes sweet flavors? (pick a number)
  • Review: What does the circulatory system do?
    carries blood and material throughout the body
  • Which part of the tongue tastes bitter flavors? (pick a number)