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  • What's the questions: "It 11-4833-2234"
    What's your phone number?
  • THINK: Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have six daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the Mustard family?
    There are nine Mustards in the family. Since each daughter shares the same brother, there are six girls, one boy and Mr. and Mrs. Mustard.
  • What's the question: "My surname is Gonzales"
    What is your surname?
  • THINK: When is your uncle's sister not your aunt?
    When she's your mother.
  • CALCULATE: 65 + 17: ?
  • MENTION 5 member of the family that are women!
    St's answer
  • THINK: 6, 12, 24, ....?
  • HOW DOES SHE FEEL? Suggest a solution!
    sick * go to the doctor
  • PUT IN ORDER: * from * is * Where * she * ?
    Where is she from?
  • Where are they from?
    They are from Italy
  • What does she do?
    She is a doctor
  • HOW DOES SHE FEEL? Suggest a solution!
    bored * st's answer!
  • PUT IN ORDER: *an * is * office * He * worker
    He is an office worker
  • WHAT'S THE QUESTION?: "I am from Gemany."
    Where are you from?
  • What's the question: "It's I-G-O-U-N-E-T"
    How do you spell you surname?
  • What is your family like? Tell your mates about it.
    St's answer
  • WHAT'S THE QUESTION: "I am a teacher"
    What do you do? / What's your job?
  • COMPLETE: This is Emma's father. He is ...... father!
  • CHALLANGE: Introduce yourself * personal info!
    St's answer!