
Don’t let urban crimes spoil your visit.

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  • What are some precautions you may bear in mind? Use OREO to answer.
    Give the points if OREO technique was clearly used . Answers may vary.
  • According to Miller what are the chances to become a victim of a crime? Use AREA
    Give the points if AREA technique was clearly used . Answers may vary
  • Which can be your advice for tourist in your city? Use Paired conjunctions and Argumentation chart
    Give the points to your partner  only  if he/she used both Argumentation chart technique and paired conjunctions correctly.
  • What does "Safety in numbers" mean?
    It means... less risk by doing things with others
  • Where's easier for criminals to find tourists?
    At tourist attractions
  • What kind of criminal is burglar?
    A person who illegally enters a building in order to steal things
  • What does "stand out" mean?
    It means... be more noticeable than others.
  • What kind of criminal is a purse snatcher?
    A thief who steals a handbag from the person carrying it.
  • What kind of criminal is mugger?
    A person who attacks and robs another in a public place.
  • What does out of your comfort zone mean?
    It's to do what you are not accustomed to doing.
  • What does "sizing you up" mean?
    It means... checking to see if you might be a good victim
  • What kind of criminal is pickpocket?
    A person who steals from people's pockets.
  • According to Miller, who's more likely to be vulnerable to criminal activities tourists or locals? Why?
    Tourists tend to carry large sums of money or valuables and they tend to stand out in crowds.
  • What does "let your guard down" mean?
    It means not to be careful