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  • What's this?
    It's a foot.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His toe hurts.
  • Has this monster got any legs?
    No, it hasn't.
  • What"s the matter with her?
    Her stomach hurts. / She has a stomachache.
  • Touch your left ear with your right hand.
    Дотронься до левого уха правой рукой.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His finger/hand hurts.
  • What colour is this monster's eye?
    This monster's eye is brown.
  • How many eyes has this monster got?
    It has got one eye.
  • Touch your head with your right hand.
    Дотронься до головы левой рукой.
  • What colour are this cat's eyes?
    This cat's eyes are green.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His nose hurts.
  • What"s wrong with him?
    He is cold.
  • How many legs has this monster got?
    This monster has got four legs.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His back hurts. / He has a backache.
  • How many heads has this dragon got?
    It has got seven heads.
  • What"s wrong with him?
    He is hungry.
  • Touch your ears with your hands.
    Дотронься до ушей руками.
  • Cover your eyes with your hands.
    Закрой глаза руками.
  • Touch your nose with your right hand.
    Дотронься до носа правой рукой.
  • What"s the matter with her?
    Her tooth hurts. / She has a toothache.
  • How many feet has this monster got?
    It has got three feet.
  • What"s wrong with her?
    She is hot.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His elbow hurts.
  • How many necks has this dragon got?
    This dragon has got three necks.
  • Is his nose big or small?
    His nose is big.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His ear hurts. / He has earache.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His leg hurts.
  • What colour is the monster with three eyes?
    It is green.
  • Touch your nose with your left hand.
    Дотронься до носа левой рукой.
  • What"s wrong with him?
    He is wet.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His foot hurts.
  • What colour is the monster with one eye?
    It is pink.
  • Close your right eye.
    Закрой правый глаз.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His eyes hurt.
  • Touch your right ear with your left hand.
    Дотронься до правого уха левой рукой.
  • Open your mouth.
    Открой рот.
  • What's this?
    It's a leg.
  • How many toes has this house got?
    This house has got eight toes.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His arm hurts.
  • What colour is the monster with three legs?
    It is yellow.
  • Has this monster got any ears?
    No, it hasn't.
  • Put your right hand on your neck.
    Положи правую руку на шею.
  • Clap your hands five times.
    Хлопни в ладоши пять раз.
  • What"s the matter with her?
    Her knee hurts.
  • What colour is the monster with three eyes?
    It is orange (yellow).
  • What"s wrong with him?
    He is tired.
  • Cover you ears with your hands.
    Закрой уши руками.
  • How many arms has this monster got?
    This monster has got four arms.
  • How many eyes has the orange monster got?
    It has got four eyes.
  • Close your left eye.
    Закрой левый глаз.
  • What"s wrong with him?
    He is thirsty.
  • What colour is this monster's eye?
    This monster's eye is blue.
  • How many hands has the green monster got?
    The green monster has got six hands.
  • Arms to the sides.
    Руки в стороны.
  • What colour is this monster's nose?
    This monster's nose is pink.
  • How many mouths has this monster got?
    This monster has got two mouths.
  • What"s the matter with him?
    His head hurts. / He has a headache.
  • Put your hands on your shoulders.
    Положи руки на плечи.