
VT and VI

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  • Verbs don't take the object , are called................................
    Intransitive Verbs
  • I received your letter in the morning. Is there VT or VI?
    VT ; an object = letter
  • She advised me to consult a doctor. Is there VT or VI?
    VT : an object = me
  • To use a transitive verb to make a sentence.
    My mom wake me every morning.
  • I waited for an hour. Is There VT or VI?
    VI : does not have an object
  • The loud noise woke me. Is there VT or VI?
    VT ; me (woke = ปลุก)
  • He has changed a lot since he got married. Is there VT or VI?
    VI ; changed
  • Can you lend me a few pounds? Is there VT or VI?
    VT ; obj. = me / pounds
  • I am going to send her some flowers. What is the direct object in this sentence?
    some flower
  • To use an intransitive verb to make a sentence.
    Ex I wake up in the morning every day.
  • Verbs, Which is used with a direct object, are called .............................
    Transitive Verbs
  • Suddenly the child woke up. Is there VT or VI?
    VI ; woke up = ตื่น