
Elementary Final revision

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  • Talk about your plans for…(the evening, weekend, next week, month, year..)
  • Talk about the things you hate
  • He is _______________ person I know. (самый счастливый)
    He is the happiest person I know.
  • Talk about your life last year
  • Talk about the usual day of your husband / wife / parent / boyfriend / girlfriend
  • Describe the appearance which is ideal for a man, woman
  • Talk about the rules at your work
  • I have _____________ to Prague 3 times. (был)
    I have been to Prague 3 times.
  • How do you get to work? - ____________________ (на машине).
    How do you get to work? - By car.
  • He plays basketball ______________ . (плохо)
    He plays basketball badly.
  • Describe your flat
  • Compare yourself and your parents
  • talk about your possible future in 5 years
  • She doesn’t go out much, she prefers to ________________ . (оставаться дома)
    She doesn’t go out much, she prefers to stay at/stay home.
  • John goes to the gym ____________________ (по вторникам)
    John goes to the gym on Tuesdays
  • I’m planning to ____________________ this weekend. (пойти за покупками)
    I’m planning to go shopping this weekend.
  • Talk about your family
  • Compare different types of transport
  • Talk about the things which are important for you when you choose a place to eat out (price, service, location…)
  • My daughter likes _____________ the guitar (play, plays, playing).
    My daughter likes playing the guitar
  • Talk about your job. What you like and hate most about it?
  • Describe your favourite city
  • It’s the most beautiful house I’ve ever _______ . (see, saw, seen)
    It’s the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen.
  • I go ________ cinema 2 or 3 times a month. (to the, to, in the)
    I go to the cinema 2 or 3 times a month.
  • Talk about your usual working day / your usual weekend
  • Talk about your experience (travelling, working, life…)
  • Give advice to people who want to learn English
  • I am going to have my driving test _________________. (на следующей неделе)
    I am going to have my driving test next week.
  • talk about your dreams
  • Talk about the shops you visit most often. Where are they? What do you usually buy there?
  • Her name’s Helen, she’s ______ waitress. (a, - , the)
    Her name’s Helen, she’s a waitress.
  • He hasn’t got a job ________________. (в данный момент)
    He hasn’t got a job at the/this moment.
  • Talk about what you ate yesterday
  • How was the party? – Terrible, ____________________ little food. (там было)
    How was the party? – Terrible, there was little food.
  • Talk about your hobbies/the things you like
  • Talk about your favourite clothes, the clothes you hate