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  • Lily had a list of all the things they n...
  • Did Lily make that worry doll?
    Yes, she did.
  • Then Lily ... Aaron a paper. a)give b)gave c)gives
  • Why does Lily name it "worry doll"?
    Because she tells it her troubles and it worries for her.
  • When did Aaron go to her house?
    He went to her house on friday.
  • What did they do in the end?
    They made a face with a pen.
  • Is Aaron doing a good job?
    Yes, he is.
  • He cut the y... and tied it.
  • What does Aaron want from Lily?
    He wants to make a worry doll for the art show.
  • What colour does Aaron want for worry doll's hair?
    He wants it to be black.
  • What did Aaron add for the head?
    He added a bead for the head.
  • What does he use yarn for?
    He uses it for the body.