
P5 - Name 3 Things

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  • Name 3 units we have studied in P5.
    A Foodie's Journey, Marine Animals, Famous People Now and Then, Space, Who is Malala?, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • Name 3 Beatles songs
    Many answers
  • Name 3 marine habitats
    rock pools, coral reefs, open sea, deep sea,
  • Name 3 things you can eat in a cha chaan teng.
    eggs, luncheon meat, omlettes, toast, pineapple buns, macaroni in soup, French toast, instant noodles,
  • Name 3 past participle verbs
    many answers
  • Name 3 Roald Dahl Books
    James & Giant Peach, Charlie & Choco Factory, Magic Finer, Fan. Mr Fox, Danny Champion/World, Enormous Croc, Twits, George's Medicine, BFG, Witches, Matilda
  • Name 3 products people make from sharks
    fertilizer, leather products, jewellery, cosmetics, face creams, health supplement pills, shark fin soup
  • Name 3 local Hong Kong foods. (Not street food)
    egg tarts, rice sheet rolls, crispy Chinese donuts, barbecued pork, dim sum, wife cake, wonton noodles,
  • Name 3 continents
    Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, North America, South America,
  • Name 3 J.K. Rowling books,
    Harry Potter & Philosopher's stone, & Chamber of secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows, Fan Bea
  • Name 3 presidents of the USA
    Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barak Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter,
  • Name 3 pizza toppings
    pepperoni, sausage, meatball, onion, mushroom, pepper, pineapple, chicken,
  • Name 3 threats faced by marine animals
    sea rubbish, fishing nets, oil spills, overfishing,
  • Name 3 members of The Beatles?
    John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr
  • Name 3 Michael Jackson songs
    many answers
  • Name 3 famous people mentioned in WS 3-1 Famous People gallery
    Helen Keller, Edison, BTS, Kate Middleton, Lee Wai Sze, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Bruce lee, JK Rowling, Greta Thunberg, Donald Trump, Einstein, Mozart,
  • Name 3 adjectives to describe food
    mushy, crispy, stale, buttery, succulent, tender, tangy al dente, tart, greasy
  • Name 3 planets
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, (Pluto)
  • Name 3 districts in Hong Kong
    many answers
  • Name 3 marine animals
    many answers
  • Name 3 local Hong Kong street foods?
    fish balls, three stuffed treasures, stinky tofu, egg puffs, put chai pudding, roasted chestnuts
  • Name 3 jobs in a restaurant? (3 people who work in a restaurant)
    receptionist, waiter, chef
  • Name 3 drinks you can find in a cha chaan teng
    milk tea, coffee, yin-yeung, lemon tea, water, ovaltine
  • Name 3 character traits of famous people
    sympathetic saint selfless unconditional love assertive persuasive outspoken self-motivated risk-taking determined, dare to be different, ambitious visionary
  • Name 3 astronauts
    Yang Liwei, Yuri Gagrin, Kathryn D Sullivan, Neil Armstrong, Liu Yang, John Glenn, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins